Detail description for librerouter gitlab repo

Dear ALL,
Can anyone please explain me the usage of below link of librerouter gitlab?

  1. LibreRouter / lros-installersh-scripts · GitLab
  2. LibreRouter / MiniServer · GitLab
  3. LibreRouter / miniserver-grafana-dashboards · GitLab

Thanks & Best Regards,
Nikunj Patel

Dear All,
Any update on above request?

Thanks & Best Regards,
Nikunj Patel

Miniserver has a Readme · master · LibreRouter / MiniServer · GitLab . It is a debian image for a raspberry pi with metrics (and other) services for a mesh network.

The miniserver grafana dashboard are some dashboards for the miniserver.

Lros install scripts is a helper to create installer scripts for firmware upgrades that require an upgrade script to run before flashing (for example to perform a configuration migration, etc)

Dear SAn,
We tried to download the image for raspberry pi for miniserver as per wiki page but now found it on that server.
can you help us with that?


Thanks & Best Regards,
Nikunj Patel