Watchdog not working in 1.4.1 version

Dear SAn,
I have flashed the firmware in pic mcu from below link
LibreRouter / watchdog-fw · GitLab

I have already shorted JP8 jumper.

Now the board is rebooting at every10 minutes. As per my analysis pulse feeding service is not running in this version.

can you please help us to solve this issue?

Thanks & best Regards,
Nikunj Patel

Thanks for the report! Can you please test with this firmware, I think it should be working with it Artifacts · full_build (#1497222181) · Jobs · LibreRouter / LibreRouterOs · GitLab

This will be part of LROs 1.4.3

Dear SAN,
I checked but still not working.
Also, I found that “/sbin/om-watchdog” binary and related startup scripts are not found in same 1.4 snapshot and 1.4.1 firmware. Same thing are present inside the 1.3 version.

Thanks & Best Regards,
Nikunj Patel

Right! That may be the issue, please test installing the package in the firmware that I provided.

I think that in 1.4 the om-watchdog is on purpose not installed as it should not be needed, because that the watchdog support is in the kernel, but maybe something is not working

Please test if it works after running the following command

devmem 0x1804006c 32 $(($(devmem 0x1804006c 32) | 0x2))

Also please test this firmware

Dear SAn,

Also please test this firmware

this firmware is working fine. Please find the attached image for reference. can you please share me what i need to change in my 1.4.1 revision?

Thanks & best Regards,
Nikunj Patel

Thank you for testing!

Here is the change: ath79: librerouter disable jtag so gpio1/poe_pass is available (bab27e8a) · Commits · LibreRouter / LibreRouterOs · GitLab